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Friday, October 30, 2020

Free Disney Movie Insiders Points

Disney Movie Insiders Points

It seems Disney is releasing free Movie Insiders points at a rapid pace now, so I'm converting this post into a full list of available codes.

  • AVENGERSASSEMBLE – 20 points
  • MUTANTS – 20 points
  • MARVELMANIA – 20 points
  • 31NIGHTS2020 – 13 points (exp 11/2) *new*
  • SKELETON – 5 points
  • CANDYCORN – 5 points
  • SWEETS – 5 points
  • Monthly Free Points – minimum 5 points, just click that link!

For years, I joked about saving enough points for the purple Hannah Montana guitar with amp. I finally called it quits on my dream last year, as I cashed out my points for a few $10 Starbucks gift cards! Not a bad trade off, in my opinion. 😊 ☕ > 🎸

Old Disney Points Jokes

It's time for everybody's favorite pastime that I just made up! That's right, we're playing Guess That Disney Movie Rewards Free Code! Everybody grab a sheet of paper and … go! Ten seconds left!

Okay, pencils down. If you guessed T5WM52PA7L, then please, see a medical professional. I believe you're having a stroke.

Is this week over yet? It's crawling along for me. I don't care how many free Disney Movie Rewards Points I find today, I'm still going to wish it was Saturday.

One time in college, I thought I invented the perfect system. I went to bed Monday morning hoping to sleep all the way to Friday night. It worked much better in theory than practice. To be honest, it didn't really hold up in theory either.

But, you know… Science!

I'd like to know who gets to come up with these codes. Is that a full-time job over at Disney? If so, how do I apply? I promise I could come up with some great words. FLIMFLAM. LAZER (it must have a z instead of an s). CANOODLE. All potential words I'd employ. Disney, call me, I'm free to start any time.

Well this is an odd number (not literally) of free Disney Movie Rewards points. My current total is 1287. *eyelid twitches* Good thing I don't have OCD or else I'd spend the rest of today searching for a three point code to even things out. *random leg muscles spasm uncontrollably* No sir, that final digit being anything but a 5 or 0 has no affect on my whatsoever. *cleans desk for the 40th times today*

You can bank 5 free Disney Movie Rewards points by adding code Y7ZE67KL2G to your account. If you're having trouble remembering the code, use one of these handy mnemonic device:

Yes, 7 Zimbabweans Exported 67 Kitten Leotards 2 George.

Your 7 Zebras Eat 67 Kebabs Like 2 Giraffes.

YARG! 7 Zombies Evaded 67 Knightly Longshoreman. 2 Guatemala!

I made like 50 of these.

Guess what reward that code will get you. Come on, guess. If you went with 5 free Disney Movie Rewards points, then you're a winner! If you thought it was a potty trained honey badger that speaks Tagalog and only eats steamed broccoli, then wow, you're amazingly bad at guessing.

The latest free Disney Movie Rewards code is L8N5VG3F6C and … wow. You have to hand it to Disney, there's no way we're guessing one of their codes. The only way I could correctly peg one would be if I was trying to kill a spider walking across my keyboard and even then as;lkdmf8jh.

Oh, sorry, that was just some dust floating by.

A long time ago I read an interview with Mike Myers and he got to talking about the urinating scene in Austin Powers. You know, the one where Powers is unfrozen and then for the next (what seems like) 10 minutes he stands in front of a urinal peeing? Myers talked about how he loved situations that went on for way longer than they should have. At first it's funny, then annoying, then it's even funnier than at first, then you're seriously bored and wanting it to end, then suddenly it's the funniest thing you've ever seen.

I'm at the “seriously bored and wanting it to end” stage for these 5 free Disney Movie Rewards points codes. They never end! What new and funny thing am I supposed to say about HSIU87FJ457? I'm tapped. I'm spent. I'm officially over them! I've made anagrams and acronyms out of them. I’ve pretended they were my license plate or PIN numbers. For the record, my favorite was when I pretended they were words of wisdom from my dad. But the only thing left is to, I don't know, pretend you have to pronounce them. Hsss-eye-you. Hiss-e-ooo. Hhh-sue-ate!

Hey, I think I'm finally coming out of this nosedive!

All rights reserved, this post was originally published by Hey, It's Free! as Free Disney Movie Insiders Points.


* This article was originally published here

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